5 Keys to Help Us Love More

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We all know the challenges of taking a long road trip with the kids. It is not long before we start to hear the question, “Are we there yet?”. You start counting off the miles to the destination. 2016 is another mile post along the way for each of our journeys. I ask, do we have a clear destination in mind for our spiritual journey for 2016? Do we know the route by which to travel to get to our destination? God calls us be on a journey toward spiritual maturity.

Life is a journey. A journey implies that there is always something next. A meaningful spiritual life is a journey towards spiritual maturity. That implies that no matter what age we are, there is always something next. The ultimate journey is congruence in our lives. Congruences means that who we are in private is the same as who we are in public. The overflow of our journeys is the growing capacity to love like Christ.
Joshua 22:5 give us 5 keys that we can put into practice in our next step journey toward spiritual maturity.

5 aOnly be very careful to observe the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, bto love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” 1

Deut. 6:6, 17; 11:22
b ch. 23:11; Deut. 6:5; 10:12; 11:1, 13, 22a
1 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), Jos 22:5.

1. We need to know the Word of God
a. Read it devotionally every day
b. Study it

2. We need to fall deeper in love with God
a. When we realize His love for us even though we are sinners and unlovable
b. His Word is His love letter to us
c. The more we know Him on a personal level, the more we fall in love with Him

3. We need to walk in obedience with God by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit
a. Loving obedience is essential to living our daily lives in a way that glorifies God
b. Loving obedience opens up God’s rich blessings
c. We do this in the power of the Holy Spirit

4. We need to stay in close communion with God
a. We need to speak to God in prayer
b. We need to let God speak to us through His Word

5. We need to serve Him and others.
a. We need to grow in our love for others just as Christ loved.
b. We need to approach others with their interests at heart
c. We cannot make assumptions of others motives before knowing all the facts. v.6-34

The questions is what is the next step with God in our journey?