Three Principles to Remember When You Hit the Wall

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All Christ followers will face a situation or situations that may seem insurmountable. These situations could be such things as a severe financial set back, the loss of a job, a bad marriage, a divorce, a bad medical report, etc.  Some of us may react with panic, paralyzed by fear, hopelessness, and wondering if God had forgotten us. We feel we have hit a wall with no possible solution in sight. So, what do you do? Do we give in to our fear, hopelessness, and give up on God?

Moses and the nation of Israel faced this situation when they were gracefully and miraculously delivered by God’s mighty hand from slavery in Egypt. They were on their journey towards the promise land when they realized they were being pursued from behind by Pharaoh and the Egyptian army, the Red Sea was in front of them and with no way across (Exodus 14). Israel panicked and cried out to God and complained to Moses that they escaped from Egypt only to die a harsh death at the hands of the Egyptian army in the desert. There was no apparent solution or good outcome.
“Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today'” (Exodus 14:13). How quickly the Israelites had forgotten the mighty act of God releasing them from Pharaoh’s slavery in Egypt. How quickly they had forgotten the promises of God. If we are honest with ourselves, we are no different. We also forget God’s mighty acts of grace and His promises.
First, notice Moses told the Hebrews to not be afraid. In other words, stop panicking. God didn’t bring them this far to forget about them now.  Too many times when we hit the wall, we neglect God’s Word, prayer, and the assembly of Christ followers (the church) because we yield to our feeling of panic and hopelessness. Or, we try to go through this wall experience without God, thinking He either doesn’t care or He has forsaken us. When we choose to try an end run around the wall in our strength and flawed wisdom, we will not succeed. Or if we retreat from the wall, we find that God will bring us back to that situation or a similar situation to face it in His power and learn from it.
Second, they should stand and trust in God and His promises. God allows us to hit the wall occasionally in our spiritual journey so we can grow in our spiritual maturity and health. When we choose by faith to let God help us face the wall with Him, He teaches us how to be more dependent upon His character, wisdom, and strength. As we walk through this wall experience with Him, he will reveal sin in our lives which we must face, confess, and from which we must repent. He may also show us some idols the distract us from God which need to be broken. In the process, God transforms us from the inside out, develops spiritual maturity in our character, and prepares us for the next part of our journey so we might finish this life well to His glory. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to trust God and His promises as we face the wall.
Third, God told Moses to give the Hebrews this message, “Tell the Israelites to move on” (Exodus 14:15b). The message for us is to be obedient to God’s will as we face the wall.
The result will be a growing spiritual maturity. Through these wall experiences, God will give us a deeper rooted identity of who we are in Christ because He will break our pride, anger, defensiveness, and our judgmental attitudes towards other. In other words, He will bring forth true humility from the inside out. They question is will we let Him? Or, will we choose to stagnate in our journey because we have hit the wall? It is a matter of not panicking, standing firm, by faith, on the promises of God and remaining obedient to Him, by faith, even as we face the wall.
What have you learned through a wall event in your life?